Sunday, July 25, 2010

worry wart

The hubster says I'm worrying over nothing.  Bio called today for the first time since May to talk to K. After she was talking to K he started to bring me the phone and I being too tired to talk on the phone told him to give the phone to Hubs because really, they should be the ones conversating where K is concerned not she and I.

Conversation highlights or low lights.  You choose.

She wants to take K for a weekend when her sister is back in town because she is living with said sister.
She told K she is pregnant because she didn't want it to be a shock when he saw her.
She wants to start taking K every other weekend once she gets her own place because she doesn't want K to think she is trying to replace him.

Hubs does not ask when she is supposed to take him or where. This is a problem for me.  We have never been allowed to have her address. If she is going to take him every other weekend, which we've heard all these empty promises before, we need to know where she lives.

Also, she is supposed to take him every other weekend.  She acts like she needs to ask us permission in an attempt I think to look as if she is the victim and we keep him from her.  So if any of her family ever reads this blog I want to clarify.....

When Hubs and I first got together I called her WEEKLY to see if she wanted K for the weekend.  This ended in her not returning my phone calls.
She went from March of 2005 to March of 2009 NEVER NEVER asking to take Kaleb, at all....not even for the day.
She went from May 2009 to May 2010 without calling.  She texted Merry Christmas and did not call.  She saw him during Thanksgiving and threw him  birthday party. During same break she took K and called her step mother to come get him after 3 hours because she couldn't handle him.

K says he is happy that she is pregnant because he is excited to be a big brother again.  She is due 3 weeks before we are. I am worried that he doesn't grasp that she is not around. I think is probably a good thing. I just worry about the ramifications on his poor little psyche. Hubs thinks I am worrying for nothing.


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