Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sometimes people surprise you

We had a great Christmas yesterday. Witten of course was not interested at all.  Rylan was sick so the kids basically slept the rest of the day. It was a weirdly quiet Christmas that resulted in my being in my pj's all day long.  Can I get a heck yeah?

We got Kaleb this morning for our week of his 2 week Christmas break.  I got to talk to biomom for about an hour and a half total this morning.  It appears that Kaleb has pulling a lot of the same stuff he did with us. Stealing and all....

She expressed that she thinks he may have some violent tendancies but she is handling it.

She says they have a counseling program at his school she enrolled him in and has placed him in after school tutorials to bring his grades back up. She is in constant communication with his teachers which is a good thing because with Kaleb he acts completely opposite of the way he was raised at school.

I guess when you do something for so long it's hard to let someone else take over the duties.  I have acted as Kaleb's mom for so long it was really hard for me to let that go. You always think your way is the best way. I'll admit I was skeptical of how she would handle Kaleb full time.  Personally I think she is doing everything I would do.  It was nice to have someone sympathize with the situation I have been living with since I married my husband.

It's also nice to know that I'm not going crazy and the things he was doing were really happening because someone else sees it too. No really....I thought I was going nuts and imagining stuff. It seemed I was the only one seeing these things but now I'm not.

Hooooorraaay for sanity.


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