Thursday, August 11, 2011

And then there was none.

I'm marking down the last 13 minutes K is here with us. The ex's dad is going to be coming to pick him up from us tomorrow and I'm sure this will probably be taking place while I am at work.

She called again today. The conversations between she and Kaleb usually are silence on his end while she blah blah blah's in his ear. I normally know how this goes. 10 year old boys are not the most verbal of creatures.

So now we wait and see when we get to see him again. I think the Hubs and I are both apprehensive about how rude she will be when we ask to take him again. The official weekend we are supposed to get him next falls on her birthday weekend so we are pretty sure that she will say no. The next weekend we will want him in Labor Day Weekend which would be the exact following weekend. I just hate the fact that we have to worry if she will allow us access to him.  We always let her go with him and even prompted her to take him regardless of what drugs she may be on. We were fortunate before that most of the time she saw him was in the company of one family member or another.

The last 2 weeks with Kaleb have been amazing. He's the kid that I raised. The spawn that showed up about 3 years ago who was disrespectful, abusive to his sister and stole from his parents seems to be gone. The kid who seemed to lie just to lie even about the smallest of things has seemed to gone back to where he came from. It's only a shame that I can't get this kid to come live in my house again.

K wants to spend his birthday and Christmas day with us this year. His words exactly were "since I was with Mommy last year I want to be with you guys this years." The only suggestion we could make was that he asked his mom to come these dates. It's not fair for the ownership to have to be on a 10 year old boy but we explained that after our fight with her the other night we are afraid to ask for time with him for fear that she will say no.

I think this would be the time we will need to go through the court system and get something official in writing for visitation. The only thing we have i their divorce decree showing that we have full coverage with the standard every other weekend and Wednesday's set out for her visitation schedule. Ideally, we would be adults and just reverse this to work where we wouldn't have to go to court but well....considering the source she won't be an adult.

I think my main issue with her is that she expects to be able to treat my husband with absolutely no respect. She calls him names and everything. She's tried to call the shots with us our entire marriage and quite frankly we do not need a third person in a marriage of two people. The husband is entirely too passive to put her in her place and while I am an Alpha female trying to talk sence into her is like trying to teach it to my dog.

I just keep reminding myself that I've dealt with her for the last 7 years I can deal for the next 7 when Kaleb turns 18 and she no longer has any kind of pull. Pray that I have the patience to do this and things get easier.


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