Sunday, January 9, 2011

Weekend say what?

This weekend was an eventful mess.  It also seems like I crammed a whole lot of mess in a little bit of time.

Friday the bestie and I went to the Stars hockey game. I had a $12 salad and a bud light. Together.....wasn't too shabby.
After dinner we go to arena to find our seats and I had my first true wtf moment of 2011. We decide after our salads we are ok to order cheese blogs. Nothing says good times like nacho cheese. No's true. We get in line, bestie is first. She goes to an open line and I go to the next.

Holy crap this guy looks familiar. Then we speak. It's my mother's ex husband. Yes, the same ex husband who used to knock her around. The same ex husband she chose over my brother and I time and again. Now that I'm a mother myself the reason of "well, you and your brother will eventually move away so it doesn't matter if you like him or not." The same ex husband who my mother attempted suicide over at least 3 times that I know of.  The 3rd time of which I got a call from him when I was 22 asking me to come over to take care of her because he had something to do. The same ex husband that attempted to give my brother and I alcohol poisoning in our teens to teach us a lesson on drinking. The same ex husband that convinced my mother I was a tramp even when I was a virgin. This guy made my life royally suck for 5 years. He mooched off my mother when he wasn't putting her down or telling her that my brother and I were out of control.

My brother and I even ran away from home back to Kansas to our dad's house because we just couldn't take the drama. If I had to sit through one more car ride with my mother telling me I needed to tone myself down or he was going to leave her I was going to scream!!

To this day I am still trying to fathom how my mom could choose him over her children. Especially being a mother myself. If anything were to happen in my marriage I know that moving forward I would still choose my children over any man. I wouldn't let a man degrade my 16 and 17 year old children. I wouldn't choose to try to take my own life because said man made me so miserable. I wouldn't form a prescription pill popping habit just because he was doing it too.

My mother committed crimes for this man. She tried to take her own life. The last time that I am aware of was when I was 22. I tried to commit her. Everyone else voted against me. I moved back in to help support her because she didn't have a job and she accused me of taking advantage of her. I will never understand my mother.

Needless to say, he sucks. Hard. I had to suck it up and he acted as if we were close as close can be. I showed him pictures of the kids and gave him an incorrect phone number when he asked for what. Took my Dr. Pepper and soggy fries back to my seat.

Other than this trip down Traumatize Lane the game was a good time. Even though the stars lost. Boo.

Saturday we ran errands for 3 hours and then went to church. Have I mentioned I LOOOOOOVE my church. Every week is a sermon that just hits me. I feel like each week it's something that my heart is needing to hear.

Today we haven't done ANYTHING except snuggle our babies and lay by the fire. I think the busy day yesterday and the wtf moment from Friday culminated is my needing to just sit and be lazy.


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