Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Sometimes you can go back....

I gave notice at work today. In two weeks I will be going back to work for the place I left almost two years ago and thought I would never return to. I've completed my stint in VERY corporate environment. Granted I've worked for major companies in corporate environments before but my current employer takes the cake as far as office politics and drama.

In my experience at my current place of employment I have had people try to get me fired twice by making up stuff and once by taking something written on my facebook and taking it out of context.

I've had more people talk about me behind my back and spread rumors than I did in high school. I will miss the 2 or 4 friends that I have made there but am glad to be going back to somewhere that I can consider somewhat of a home.

It's exciting to have change taking place in my life. I think without change life stays stagnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a job hopper by any means but I am going back somewhere that I worked for almost 4 years so it's kind of exciting.

I'm days away from my first 29th birthday...that's right, I said first. I'm ready for a career. I'm ready to stop screwing around and settle somewhere. I hope that the place I am going to will end up being the last place I am employed until we decide to open a restaurant.

And yes, we still plan on opening a restaurant someday. It may be sooner than we originally planned. I am planning. I'm a planner. A very in depth planner. Details on that to come. My goal is 2 maybe 3 years tops. Will be recruiting friends to eat my cooking and be brutally honest so if you love to eat let me know!



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