Sunday, January 30, 2011

How am I worn out already?

It was back to the grindstone this week for me. I had to take my tiniest fan to Mary Poppins' house so she could enjoy all of his snuggle and love.

It was a semi crazy busy week at work. There have been a lot of changes in my three month absence and there are a lot of new faces. Also new is the hovering sense of negativity that my coworkers seem to be swimming in. I have decided to make it my mission to change this. There will be more details to come.

My life really isn't too intriguing right now. I am trying to get used to getting up and going to work every day to be a cubicle creature once again. I have made it my mission to really ignore the drama and the office politics. This will be quite the challenge because some of it's juicy, some of it's too good to ignore but most of it is so mundane and elementary to even give it a thought makes me a moron.

We have been doing lots of church related activities. It's nice to know that God will be the one constant in my life no matter what transpires.

Tomorrow is Monday and it will be my first full week back to work. I hope to be able to blog more frequently through the week as I get used to getting not only myself but two other people up for work. Coming home, eating dinner, doing tiny people bath time and working out all in one day.

Wish me luck!!


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