Wednesday, May 25, 2011

babes and body image

Looking back through my life and remembering my own issues with my body is never fun. the two t's....taunts and tight clothing. I mean time all of the boys in my 5th grade class called me bacon and would make sizziling noises.  we put so much emphasis on what society thinks we should look like we end up spending more time worrying about the outside we neglect the inside.

Today one of the 12 year old girls in my youth group announced she was on a diet. this girl is beautiful. she's tall, blonde and thin. everything society cares about. I'm not saying these things because I love this girl like my own daughter but because they are simply trie. needless to say we had a conversation about this. I advised that if she started dieting now she would begin a vicious cycle that she probably would never be able to escapte.  This is so serious.  If she's dieting at 12 it can lead to eating disorders and other problems.  I warned her of all of these issues she could face.  I also let her know that I'm honest and I care enough about her to let her know if she wasn't 100% in shape.

I know obesity is an epidemic here in America.  The sad thing is that it's EXPENSIVE to eat right. The crappy foods are the cheapest. I know from my own personal experience how hard it can be to not only train yourself to eat right but to struggle to pay for the right foods and the gym memberships to stay thin.

It's a shame that society can take a beautiful blossoming 12 year old girl and already at such a young age be worried about her weight when she should just get to be free and live her life.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

et tu pta

We are moving elementary schools. this means the mini me is going to attend a brand spanking new school. comically it's on the "other side of the tracks" figuratively and literally. But I digress.....

So, the new school is forming a PTA. This sparks an internal debate.  While I want to be involved in the kids school stuff I am just so freaking busy.  Plus I did the PTA thing for Kaleb a couple of years really I did.....stop laughing.

Anyways, I paid my $12 PTA dues and didn't make one single freaking meeting. I'm pretty sure my absence wasn't noticed but I want to be involved. 

I have delusions of grandeur that I can start my political world take over at an elementary PTA.....just kidding FBI.

So, now I am faced with the whole do I want to give up a couple of nights a month and whenever they need me to be a PTA person.  Do I really want to deal with the stemming insecurity and resentment of snubs by stay at home moms that will probably all be justified in my head but don't really occur?

What do you think?

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


So finally figured out how to blog from my blackberry without it looking weird doing it via the text message mobile method blogger offers. it should be interesting to see how useful this is? will be able to express my thoughts and feelings live while the actions are taking place or will it result in me over blogging thinking that my feelings are way more important than they really are rendering readers sick of me?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Morther's Day

Today is mother's day. Happy mother's day to all the bio moms, step or bonus moms, moms to be or honorary moms for those of us who have needed you. Being a step mom or the new term Bonus Mom (thanks Leanne Rhimes) is a busy role and I know personally how tough it can be to do all things Mom without the recognition.

This is my first mother's day without Kaleb in almost 7 years. We haven't gotten a phone call or anything from him. We can barely get him to come see us these days between his not wanting to or her coming up with any excuse to not have to meet us that she can make up. I know I have my bitter britches on but I'm working on it. When I get comments like "well when you guys aren't too busy to see him" it makes steam almost literally come out of my ears. Like she forgot she went 4 years without asking to see him once. I guess it really just hurts because I want to know if he's even thinking about me today. Probably not because he's a typical kid. These days mean more to us moms than they do them.

I almost got a wild hair and called my own mother. Then I started over analyzing how she will once again become over bearing and judgemental and that changed my mind. I know, I know....she's my mother blah blah blah but really the past almost 2 years that I have gone without speaking to her have been drama free and so peaceful I am reluctant to give that up.

I can say though that despite it I have had an amazing day. My loves have spoiled me. The husband has waited on me hand and foot. Even cooking specially requested meals.  I GOT TO NAP TODAY!!! Do you know how amazing that is? And I got extra snuggles from my Witten and Rylan.