Monday, February 28, 2011

Planet Wisdom

We took our first weekend trip with the middle school kids from our church this weekend to a little thing called Planet Wisdom.

The trip included a 30 minute ride of preteen girls chattering where the word like was probably said 3967 times. One trip of getting lost, one locking of our group out of our hotel room. Junk food, bracelet making. The word like being used 210957 times.

Also included in the conference were some funny skits by the Skit Guys. Look them up on YouTube. It's nice to see hilarious comedy that doesn't include vulgarity or curse words. There was fantastic worship music from the band Dutton. And a great message delivered by Mark Matlock.

I can say I thoroughly enjoyed getting to watch my kids worship our Lord and I am overjoyed with being given the opportunity to worship with them.  I think it was nice or them to go to something with so many other student ministries attending too. They get to see that it's cool to be into God and they aren't the only ones doing it.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Sometimes you can go back....

I gave notice at work today. In two weeks I will be going back to work for the place I left almost two years ago and thought I would never return to. I've completed my stint in VERY corporate environment. Granted I've worked for major companies in corporate environments before but my current employer takes the cake as far as office politics and drama.

In my experience at my current place of employment I have had people try to get me fired twice by making up stuff and once by taking something written on my facebook and taking it out of context.

I've had more people talk about me behind my back and spread rumors than I did in high school. I will miss the 2 or 4 friends that I have made there but am glad to be going back to somewhere that I can consider somewhat of a home.

It's exciting to have change taking place in my life. I think without change life stays stagnant. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a job hopper by any means but I am going back somewhere that I worked for almost 4 years so it's kind of exciting.

I'm days away from my first 29th birthday...that's right, I said first. I'm ready for a career. I'm ready to stop screwing around and settle somewhere. I hope that the place I am going to will end up being the last place I am employed until we decide to open a restaurant.

And yes, we still plan on opening a restaurant someday. It may be sooner than we originally planned. I am planning. I'm a planner. A very in depth planner. Details on that to come. My goal is 2 maybe 3 years tops. Will be recruiting friends to eat my cooking and be brutally honest so if you love to eat let me know!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This work business

I am WORN OUT!!! This back to work thing is exhausting.

Who knew having 12 weeks off from work would be so hard to recover from once I resumed working again. Granted in the last 2 weeks I have only worked 6 days. We had the 4 day "snowmageddon" last week. The weather forecast says we are going to get more ice and snow tonight.

Here's hoping I can work from home and take it semi easy tomorrow. Granted, telecommuting requires the same amount of work, it just provides a more comfy seat to occupy.

Let's hope I can get back into worker bee mode.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Planning for the future.

I have been thinking a lot about where I want my career to go. For the past several years career has been defined as the most secure job that pays the most. At least to me it has. Since having children I've have focused on how to support them the best way that I can and the type of job that will give us the most money to do that with. It's been money, money, money. Let's face it, money makes the world go around. We live in the type of society where that's the motto. In reality I want to be able to do something I love instead of something I comprehend well.

From age 7 to 22 I wanted to be an actor. From ages 4-6 I wanted to be a Barbie who drove a red Jeep and wore awesome purple dresses. Due to Barbie's unrealistic measurements I think that would have never worked anyways and can say I am quite ok with the change of plan.

Ok so, my entire life I wanted to be an actor. I did the occasional drama thing.  I didn't do  lot of "training." There was the time when I was 14 when my mother found an acting school founded by the dude inside the Barnie suit. Two auditions later I was accepted only to find out that my mother couldn't afford it. As a chubby teen with a bad grill I wasn't exactly a hot commodity at the open calls I attended. I honed my skills in front of the mirror alone in my bedroom. (I think this is the reason I still talk to myself quite a bit to this day.) If you know me I was born without a shame button so there would be no stage fright on my end.

I vowed that 5 years after I graduated I was going to lose the weight and fix the grill, head out to Hollywood and make it big. Then.....I got married in the 4th year of that wait.

So hear I am almost 11 years since I graduated with two kids and a corporate job. Don't get me wrong, I like what I do...I'm a manager, I get to boss people around. The little things make me happy....But I work in foreclosure. I take people's homes for a living. At first this didn't bother me. A paycheck is a paycheck but now I am ready to do something for me. I want to retire from a job that I enjoy not just a job that I enjoyed the paycheck.

The Hubs and I love to cook. My ideal time is cooking for my friends and family. We have been talking about for years "if we could open our own restaurant." Always it comes back to financial security. The start up cost and hit or miss of the restaurant business is daunting to say the least.

I think right now we may be serious about it. In about 7 or 8 years we may actually give it a try. Who knows.  I toy with the idea of doing catering first just to cut down on some of the costs and to use this time as a testing ground for my recipes. We'll have to see what the future holds.

So if I start calling you guys asking if you want to come over, think of yourselves as a focus group. You could be the chose few who are able to say "She tested her food on me and I didn't die!"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cabin Feva!

Have I mentioned I live in Texas? It RARELY snows in Texas. It's rarely in the teens with wind chills to the left of 0. We rarely have the white stuff on the ground for more than a day or two. However, for the last 3 days it's been freezing cold and most of us have been cooped up in the house with kids. It's always fun to have that first snow day. It snowed so much that even my work closed. Which they NEVER do. Tuesday and Wednesday I worked all day from home. I am just not a fan of driving on ice with my kids in the car.

Today we are home for a third day in a row. I am not feeling well and have been having some flu like symptoms. I had planned to go to the doctor but there are no appointments available. The hubs finally dug his car out of the ice, which was parked at the end of the driveway and was blocking mine in. He's been at work all day and reports are it's very very slow.

Witten is taking his first nap that has lasted longer than 20 minutes for the first time this week. I think the sitter is jealous because his naps at her house last week were much longer. Rylan is in my room watching cartoons while lounging in my bed. I think she's the only one who isn't bored out of their mind.

I know I will force myself to go to work tomorrow. I am kind of ready. I had to go back last week for 3 days, this week I will have worked 2. I'm ready to work a full week and get it over with. I miss baby boy and this is making it harder to be away from him. I know that sounds strange but I have to throw myself into my work or I will just sit all day wishing he were there giving me his gummy baby smile.

 Cute huh?