Wednesday, July 28, 2010

To your cell prisoner

I came home and the Hubs was in heavy parenting mode.

He decided in light of K's latest antics that for the 2nd time this summer K was going to lose all of his toys. And his books, and his TV. So K has a bed, a dresser and  desk with nothing on it in his room to which he is confined to for the duration of his grounding because if we don't he will hide in the kitchen and watch tv where he thinks we can't see or he will go in R's room and begin to destroy her belongings.

Then R tells us K was playing her DS while video games are taken away.

Hubs took K's blanket.  He is prison style with a pillow and sheet.

All he needs is an orange jumpsuit and he'll fit in at the local jail.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

worry wart

The hubster says I'm worrying over nothing.  Bio called today for the first time since May to talk to K. After she was talking to K he started to bring me the phone and I being too tired to talk on the phone told him to give the phone to Hubs because really, they should be the ones conversating where K is concerned not she and I.

Conversation highlights or low lights.  You choose.

She wants to take K for a weekend when her sister is back in town because she is living with said sister.
She told K she is pregnant because she didn't want it to be a shock when he saw her.
She wants to start taking K every other weekend once she gets her own place because she doesn't want K to think she is trying to replace him.

Hubs does not ask when she is supposed to take him or where. This is a problem for me.  We have never been allowed to have her address. If she is going to take him every other weekend, which we've heard all these empty promises before, we need to know where she lives.

Also, she is supposed to take him every other weekend.  She acts like she needs to ask us permission in an attempt I think to look as if she is the victim and we keep him from her.  So if any of her family ever reads this blog I want to clarify.....

When Hubs and I first got together I called her WEEKLY to see if she wanted K for the weekend.  This ended in her not returning my phone calls.
She went from March of 2005 to March of 2009 NEVER NEVER asking to take Kaleb, at all....not even for the day.
She went from May 2009 to May 2010 without calling.  She texted Merry Christmas and did not call.  She saw him during Thanksgiving and threw him  birthday party. During same break she took K and called her step mother to come get him after 3 hours because she couldn't handle him.

K says he is happy that she is pregnant because he is excited to be a big brother again.  She is due 3 weeks before we are. I am worried that he doesn't grasp that she is not around. I think is probably a good thing. I just worry about the ramifications on his poor little psyche. Hubs thinks I am worrying for nothing.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

today sucks

I feel like all I do is use this blog to complain. I complain about K. I complain about work.

I think I hate my job.  Once again I did not get promoted and was told the usual BS. "Not enough management experiene" I have almost 2 years of management experience. Oh well then "not qualified" Really? Out of the 100+ people in our department I am one of the only ones that have been there longer than 6 months. I told my best friend today I think the reason is it's just my face that won't get me promoted.  I dunno if I really dwell on it, I think maybe it's because I'm 6 months pregnant and that's another reason why. Oh well, I will look for other positions in the company back at the building that is wonderfully 10 miles from the house.  I should have never left.  Pastures are not always greener and lesson has been learned.

I also do nothing but complain about K but it seems that lately the negative out weighs the positive when it comes to that kid.  He has no respect and no sense of responsibility.  He won't do his chores and when he does them he only does them half way. I keep asking the hubster to call the bio to have K spend the weekend with her.  Just so we can get  break from one another.  He usually goes to Bio's parents house for a big chunk of the summer and has not been able to this year because situations in their family have changed and now PawPaw has rejoined the army and is going overseas.

I have been asking the hubster to call bio for 3 weeks now but he is afraid to because he doesn't know who she is living with and the last time she called in May her voicemail sounded like she was stoned out of her mind.

Mind you I'v known this woman for over 10 years so I have a great grasp of if she is high, drunk etc.  That and a phone conversation between she and I where she says "I am schizophrenia, this is why I like to drink and do coke" It kind of makes you iffy about letting your kid be around someone who says this even if they are biologically related or not.

Anyways, the hubster has yet to call her despite my multiple requests. I can't really blame him but she gave birth and it would be nice for her to actually take responsibility for K for once. Even though K did not want to return phone call back in May.  K hasn't spoken to or seen Bio since November but by now we all know this is nothing new. I just hope it all works out.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


I have unnatural obsession with Glee....and now I've passed it on to R.

She sings and dances along with any music she can.

Currently she is also playin Mario Kart on her DS and making me rewind every song that is sung on th Glee rerun we are watching. Someday she will realize how happy this makes my heart and how full of love I am for her.

I love you my tiny mini me best friend. I am thoroughly enjoying this time in your life while you are five and I am your favorite person on earth.  I hope we can continue to be as close as we have been for the rest of our lives.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's freaking hot

I think the a/c may be broken. Or breaking or choosing not to work. We set the a/c on 75 and it is still reading 80. The air coming from the vents doesn't feel as cool as it normally does. It may be pyschosis. It may be because it was 97 with a heat index of 105 today.

Thankfully our air conditioner is under warranty still until December.

It better be something minor. 6 months pregnant and half capacity a/c does not work for me

So while the family is sleeping I sit awake...warm as warm can be.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Girl's night

Had dinner with the BFF, the mini me and the BFF's tiny guy. We had dinner to plan my baby shower and I got some awesome news that I can't share just yet because as a BFF I am sworn to secrecy but there will be more to come later.

We discussed issues we have been having with K. BFF and I think maybe K is hurting for some dad attention. He and he hubster were inseparable until I came in the picture.

We didn't exactly move slowly as I have known K since birth and attended the hubsters first wedding. We go back.....way back.  Though I understand that being a friend of the family and being Daddy's girlfriend is hard to comprehend for a 3 year old.

K has confessed he doesn't remember a time before I was his mom which is a blessing but at the same time I know his poor little subconcious knows something is missing.

I came home from dinner to the hubs and K playing Wii together. This sight warms my heart. Also the hubster is currently reading a book titled Raising a Modern Day Knight. He and K discussed their plan to help K become an authentic christian man.

Also, in this book it covers many lessons the hubster and I have tried to bestow on our own and I think K realizes we know what we are talking about.

:Let's hope the change has begun!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

That kid

Sometimes K is just so sweet. He's been having a great week this week which is a releif. I've only been upset with him one day this week I think it's finally starting to kick him that his actions have consequences.

I have a pregnancy induced migraine and he's trying to take care of me.

"Mommy are you ok?" my sweet little man just wants me to know he cares.