Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 at a glance

January 2010
The year starts off as usual with no big plans out of Kevin or I.  We make the decision to finally join a church.  This is something we had been talking about doing for years. 
One service attended at Fellowship of The Parks and we knew this was our home.
Lunch with the BFF we make a pregnancy pact to both have another baby. This is something that The Hubs has been adamant that was not going to happen. EVER.
Shockingly Hubs agrees to having another baby.

February 2010
We begin to try to have baby with little success or so we think.
We also decide to rehab the house.
We paint all of the walls and rip the carpet out of the front of the house. We almost do one room completely until it become time to cut. We realize we are not equipped with the correct saw to cut flooring. Borrow saw, we do not have right blade.

March 2010
I get saved! Hubs and I accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. This may just be the best feeling I have ever had in my entire life. The weight of my past sins has been lifted off of my shoulders and it just feels SO GOOD.
Hubs and I are baptised.
I decide to start college after being out of high school for 10 years. Start college with orientation being on my 28th birthday.
Find out Kaleb's bio mom is pregnant.
Find out I am pregnant.
Obtain correct blade, have wrong kind of saw. Project shelved.

April 2010
My baby turns 5! I wish she would stop growing up so fast.
Begin serving the Lord in our church middle school ministry.

May 2010
Project still not completed. Baby is cooking along just fine. Husband turns 31. haha He's old.
End first 10 week term in college a straight A student.

June 2010
Second term begins. Two weeks in doctor advised I either quit attending school for the time being or quit attending work due to issues of dehydration.
School doesn't pay me. Work does.
Best turns 30. Heiffer still is not pregnant yet.
It's a BOY!!!
Have second annual block party. Good times. Turns out K did not distribute invites to entire neighborhood. Block party is tiny.  Cops show up twice. Haha

July 2010
Hubs and I have our 6 year dating anniversary. Awesome 4th of July with the neighbors. Watched one of them blow tons of stuff up on his front porch.  Claims it was intentional. In bed by 10. Which is shocking cause normally I will PARTAY.
Bestie is pregnant!! Yay!! I want her to name it after me.

August 2010
My baby starts school. Yes, I cried. Yes, I cried like someone died.
Hubs cried too. shhhhh
Hubs and I are given the opportunity to lead Lifegroups at church. Love it!
I got promoted. cha ching!!
Have extreme familial drama from K. Read previous blogs.

September 2010
Celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary.
Have baby shower.
Other bestie moves back to Texas!!!!\
Drama with K continues at same level.

October 2010
Bestie is having a boy!!!!!!!
K goes to live with bio mom as a result of drama.
I am really fat.

November 2010
Baby boy is here!!
Hubs gets ill. We thought it was his heart. It wasn't. Scary times. Hubs could barely stand up. He misses a month of work. No work means no paycheck. We are kind of in a financial hole. Seriously stressed. Seriously depressed. Praying like crazy.

December 2010
Baby boy's first Christmas!
Still in financial hole.
Shocked I was able to pull of the Chrismas I did.

We end the year richer in Faith. I am looking forward to what God has in store for me.
I have no idea how much I weigh because I gained 6 pounds total through out my entire pregnancy and tiny guy was over 8 pounds.  That's a good sign right?

We are richer in Faith and poorer in pocket book. I am sure our family will be fine. I have a plan and I know God will provide for us.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sometimes people surprise you

We had a great Christmas yesterday. Witten of course was not interested at all.  Rylan was sick so the kids basically slept the rest of the day. It was a weirdly quiet Christmas that resulted in my being in my pj's all day long.  Can I get a heck yeah?

We got Kaleb this morning for our week of his 2 week Christmas break.  I got to talk to biomom for about an hour and a half total this morning.  It appears that Kaleb has pulling a lot of the same stuff he did with us. Stealing and all....

She expressed that she thinks he may have some violent tendancies but she is handling it.

She says they have a counseling program at his school she enrolled him in and has placed him in after school tutorials to bring his grades back up. She is in constant communication with his teachers which is a good thing because with Kaleb he acts completely opposite of the way he was raised at school.

I guess when you do something for so long it's hard to let someone else take over the duties.  I have acted as Kaleb's mom for so long it was really hard for me to let that go. You always think your way is the best way. I'll admit I was skeptical of how she would handle Kaleb full time.  Personally I think she is doing everything I would do.  It was nice to have someone sympathize with the situation I have been living with since I married my husband.

It's also nice to know that I'm not going crazy and the things he was doing were really happening because someone else sees it too. No really....I thought I was going nuts and imagining stuff. It seemed I was the only one seeing these things but now I'm not.

Hooooorraaay for sanity.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the Night Before Christmas

And all through the house not a creature was stirring except Mommy, Daddy and the Doggy.

We are done wrapping everything and doing our pre Christmas parent thing. Hubs is prepping stuff for tomorrow's dinner and I am baking an (premade) Apple Pie. We have the fire going and have each had a smore and it's almost time to relax.

Tomorrow is going to be our tiny man's first Christmas and our first Christmas without K. We will be picking him up the day after.  The girl received the most gifts in the Carter household.  K will have bunches of gifts from his mother's side of the family and that's partially why I justified not getting him the same amount.  Also, his behavior over the past year didn't warrant in my eyes an extravagent Christmas.

We attend our first ever Christmas Eve services at a church. I personally have never attended services and to my knowledge the Hubs hasn't either. It was an awesome event for me and I loved having my family their hearing the story of the birth of our Lord. My only worries were that the New Guy woke up when service started and part of the service we lit candles. R had her own candle and I also worried about her long blonde hair and a flame being in the same vicinity.  Hubs handled that one nicely since I was holding said New Guy.

I also got some sad news from a family member whose Christmas was somewhat ruined.  I pray for his decisions and that the Lord lead him on the correct path.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Updates updates updates

The title makes it sound like there are a ton of updates.....fooled ya! Nothing too exciting has happened.....except the tied for first cutest baby ever being born!

Witten James Carter born November 3, 2010 at 3:30pm. 8lbs 7oz 19 1/2 inches long.

Witten is 7 weeks old today. You would think with 12 paid weeks of maternity leave I would hav plenty of time to blog and my house would be spotless and the laminate flooring we started to lay in February would finally be down.  Boy are you wrong.

Month one of my maternity leave....Really I should say week one.  Kevin starts to develop extreme chest pains. We think initially it's heart related. Hello chest pains on the left. Isn't that the sign they always say to look out for when a heart attack is taking place. Needless to say 4 weeks, upteen doctor's appointments, an ER visit, an MRI and a ton of copay's that we rule out his heart.It may be an ulcer. The doctor gave him an acid blocker to take and we are in the works of scheduling a physical and trying to determine if it's an ulcer. He's back at work as of November 29th afte 4 weeks off of work.

December has been a mild month. I'm getting tons of snuggle time with Witten who is a smiley, chatty, snuggly little guy. He's a good baby but I am not able to get a ton of things done.

It's Christmas Break and I am getting to spend time with both kids for 2 weeks straight. Kaleb will be here the day after Christmas and I will have all 3 kids for an entire week.

I really planned to spring clean the house while I was on leave. I also am determined to work out as much as possible. You would think this would be an easy task but everytime I put my foot on the eliptical Witten starts to scream.  Strange that he would barely let me eat while in seems he is determined to keep me fat now.